Cosa possiamo fare in questa estate in cui ancora non è consentita piena libertà di movimento e viaggi oltreoceano? Proviamo a viaggiare con le lingue e con la lettura! Attraverso le pagine delle letture graduate Black Cat ti porteremo in giro per il mondo a scoprire luoghi incantati e culture lontane, perché viaggiare, come leggere, è un’avventura sempre nuova, che arricchisce e fa sentire vivi.
Viaggeremo in Canada alla scoperta della natura incontaminata con Anne of Green Gables, ci sposteremo in Florida con Alarm at Marine World! e alle Hawaii con The bottle Imp, per poi toccare la terra di Sandokan, la Malaysia, e la mistica India in The Jungle Book. Ti porteremo infine in giro per l’Australia con Missing in Sydney.

Canada is a very big country in North America. It is a beautiful country with a lot of forests, mountains, rivers and wildlife. There are about two million lakes in Canada! Here is some more information.
Scarica il pdf in lingua inglese tratto da “Anne of Green Gables”

This story takes place in India. It is a very big country with almost one billion people!
The name India comes from the Indus River. Here is some more information about India.
Scarica il pdf in lingua inglese tratto da “The Jungle Book”

Sandokan and his pirates live on an island in the South China Sea, near Labuan. Labuan is in East Malaysia. East Malaysia is in the north-west of the island of Borneo. The south and east of the island are part of the country of Indonesia.
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About 21 million people live there. Florida is called “The Sunshine State” because the weather is warm and sunny all year. It is famous for its long beaches, aquariums, theme parks and national parks. The city of Tallahassee is the capital of Florida, but the largest city is Jacksonville.
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Every year, more than 50,000 students take a ‘gap year’ between finishing school and starting university. Like Claire, Lisa and Amy, many students use this 12-month period to go travelling.
Staying in youth hostels, ‘backpacking’, is a cheap way of seeing different places and also a great way to meet new people from all over the world.
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The Hawaiian Islands are in the Pacific Ocean, about 2500 miles west of San Francisco. They became part of the United States on 21 August 1959. They are the 50th state of the United States and consist of eight big islands and many small ones. Most of the population live on six islands: Hawaii, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai and Oahu.
Scarica il pdf in lingua inglese tratto da “The bottle Imp”