Come si festeggia il Natale nel mondo? Quali sono le tradizioni legate alle feste natalizie? Abbiamo raccolto 5 schede di letture graduate che puoi condividere con i tuoi studenti e la tua classe per scoprire aneddoti e curiosità, leggere storie e nuove avventure… in lingua inglese, francese e tedesca!

The story you are going to read takes place in the early 1800s in Nuremberg. It is a beautiful city in southern Germany. There are a lot of beautiful old buildings and monuments in the city.
The summer in Nuremberg is usually warm and the winter is usually cold and snowy. It is famous for its Christmas markets in December. You can buy all kinds of Christmas decorations, sweets, food, drinks and toys at the markets.

Harminda looked at her watch and then at the traffic outside. The airport was 10 kilometres away and it was already 5.15 p.m.
‘Isn’t there a quicker way to get to the airport? My plane leaves in less than two hours,’ she asked the taxi driver.
‘Are you going home for Christmas?’ he smiled. The taxi was full of decorations; there was green tinsel on the steering wheel and mistletoe under the mirror.
‘Yes…’ said Harminda. But there was no Christmas spirit in her voice.

In this book you will learn about the most important festivities of the year in Britain and America, their origins and how people celebrate them. Here are some words and expressions you will find in various chapters of this book. How many of them do you know?

Dickens’s books were bestsellers and they are still popular. He always attacked the materialism of Victorian society and tried to show how it caused poverty and other social problems. A Christmas Carol is one example of Dickens’s criticism of society and it is also the most famous Christmas story in the world.

Heute ist der 24. Dezember, Heiligabend, in Nürnberg, und es ist sehr kalt. Auf den Dächern und den Straßen liegt Schnee. Überall gibt es Märkte mit Spielzeug, Schmuck und Weihnachtssüßigkeiten. Die Leute kaufen Geschenke für Freunde und Verwandte. Die Ladenhändler haben die Fenster mit Weihnachtsdekorationen geschmückt. Die Kinder singen Weihnachtslieder in den Straßen.

Nous sommes le 24 décembre, la veille de Noël, à Nuremberg. Il fait froid et il y a beaucoup de neige sur les toits et dans les rues de la ville. Il y a des marchés de Noël avec des jouets, des décorations et plein de bonnes choses à manger. Les habitants regardent les vitrines des magasins et achètent des cadeaux pour leur famille et leurs amis. Dans les rues, des enfants interprètent des chants de Noël.